7-1. Welcome to first division.
Today we showed up with 5 players, two of them; new ones, we sucked physically and tactically, we scored an own goal and we barely moved. We didn't play that badly since 3rd division. Well, in 3rd division it could have been ok even with that performance... the lesson of the day is that, if we play like this now, we take home a 7-1. The biggest defeat so far since we formed Ragtag Rebels.
All in all it was kind of ok during the first half. We gave away 2 goals but we were not that exposed. We reached the break 2-0 down. Right at the start of the second half David scores the 2-1 and for a minute it seems that we may do something. However immediately they scored 2 goals, 4-1 was apparently too much so we lower the arms, stopped running and then received 3 more goals. Severe punishment.
US: Nothing to be mentioned. That's how bad it was. Many positional mistakes, not serious in defense, not following our guy, not moving into spaces, unbalanced distribution on the pitch... a big disaster.
THEM: They move the hell of a lot. Not really quickly but constantly. In defense, as long as we follow them we have a chance, but we need substitutions to be able to do that.
Linesman: Digo and Gerard
Goals: David